

Fight the aliens and save Christmas: https://youtu.be/AN92P1LAx5I
Short version for people in a hurry: https://youtu.be/5I5_vWR2PNs
Extended directors cut: https://youtu.be/Mfg2ZE9Gpnw

How it works

At first you need the mod Dectorio by
PantherX, for the trees, nicer lights and the wooden floor.
The lamps have to connected to the colour outputs with green cables. The white outputs are connected with red ones. With the mod Connection Box by darkfrei it is possible to create connetions without using poles. This looks nicer. 

Effective but not efficient

The Solution does it´s job. It´s effective. But 66 combinators is very expensive if you want only to turn on the lights. Therefore I created another more efficient solution. This ist more appropriate, from the logistics point of view. It requires only 22 combinators.
